Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Largest Frog.....

Goliath Frogs (Conraua goliath)

Physical Characteristics
  • Head and body length ~ up to 13 inches (33cm)
  • Length with legs stretched out ~ about 2.7 feet (80cm)
  • Weight ~ up to 8 pounds (3Kg)
  • On top, the frog is greenish brown, and its underside is yellowish
  • The Goliath Frog's second toe is the longest.
  • These frogs have acute hearing but no vocal sac, and additionally lack nuptial pads.
  • Goliath Frogs are mute ~ they do not make noise
  • They can leap 10 feet
  • The goliath frog can live up to 15 years.
  • Adults are carnivores that eat insects, crustaceans, fish, and amphibians.
  • Tadpoles (baby frogs) are herbivores that eat water plants found only near waterfalls and in rapids.
  • Some indigenous people eat Goliath Frogs
  • Mating season for the Goliath Frog is July and August
  • Reproduce sexually
  • Several hundred eggs are included in each egg mass, which are attached to plants growing on the bottom of the river
  • It takes 85 to 90 days for tadpoles to develop
  • Goliath Frogs live in fast moving rivers and streams with sandy bottoms
  • These river systems are located in dense rain forests
  • The frogs are found in Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon, both countries in West Africa.
Relations with Humans
  • Goliath frogs were considered to be a source of food in some parts of west Africa.
  • They were also highly exported to zoos and animal dealers to be sold as pets. Unfortunately, these frogs fail to thrive in captivity (and almost never reproduce there).
  • Due to their classification as endangered, the Equatorial Guinean government has declared that no more than 300 goliaths may be exported out of the country per year.
  • Some are captured and kept as pets.

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